Zen Garden websites



This website consists of just two files: a single HTML file and a single CSS file. This is based on a mix of Dave Sheas CSS Zen Garden and the single HTML webpage from Adam Newbold. The goal of this website is to show what can be done with just one simple CSS and one simple HTML file. It aims to illustrate how simple web development can be. Zen Garden websites are easy to build, easy to maintain and cheap or even free to host.

Submit a website

Do you want to submit your own website? Great! Just build your website and send me the link and/or submit a pull request. If you also provide a 300x190 jpg preview image with 50% compression, you absolutely make my day!


My name is Joost van der Schee you can contact me by sending an e-mail to joost@vdschee.nl. If you want to take your simple website to the next level, I can help you with professional hosting and a CMS.